At Emerge Global, we seek to equip and send trained workers who are committed to develop partnerships with indigenous people who have a vision to transform their communities.


Holistic Community Development. 

At Emerge, we strive to build stronger and more resilient local communities.  Our community development facilitators work alongside people in the community, building relationships and involving members to be active participants in their own development. They teach, mentor and facilitate processes that involve the people in prioritizing community issues they choose to address. Time is spent in identifying community assets; developing and implementing plans using locally available resources. They create opportunities for the community to learn new skills, building human capital and progress for the community. 

Guiding Principles:

Holistic Integration 

We recognize an integral relationship between the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual natures of man. We affirm every persons worth and seek to release them from unhealthy feelings of brokenness and despair.


Long-term Solutions

We concentrate our efforts on long-term solutions that break the cycle of poverty and disease.  We train, equip and empower people to form themselves. We identify and mobilize local resources to address needs within the community. We focus on development rather than relief and disease prevention rather than cure.


Local Ownership and Initiative

Sustainable projects are owned by the people and built on local initiative. Ownership and initiative is demonstrated through volunteerism and strengthened through capacity building. We take time in communities to participate with the people in assessing their needs, identifying assets and assisting the in organizing for action through training and consultation.

We believe people must be active participants in their own development. Therefore, we use methods for adult learning, engaging participants in a process of reflection, self-discovery and action. People learn by doing and modeling is essential.  Community ownership enhances the dignity of the people, instilling a sense of pride as they work together to take responsibility for their own future.



Our aim is not merely projects, but multiplication. This is facilitated by training local people to train others using transferable concepts that are contextualized and culturally appropriate for successful multiplication. We emphasize the use of local resources and appropriate technologies so that solutions can be passed along, neighbor to neighbor. We build cooperation and vision at a community level. We work collaboratively with community-based organizations, local and international relief and development agencies, as well as governments to facilitate the transformation of communities and nations.



Andrew Jit, Director

Andrew oversees the mission and vision of Emerge Global. He serves as bridge between the board and the Emerge Global team in the field. He has travelled to over 50 countries working alongside and training national workers in holistic field work.